1. Teeth Whitening can Damage your Enamel.
People love to have a bright smile with white teeth , what can help us professional teeth whitening procedures which is completely safe and does not damage the enamel. Only people with thin enamel may not be recommend to go for this treatment , some people might complain of sensitivity after whitening but it is very temporary and may not last for a short time.
2. Eating a Lot of Sugar can Cause Cavities
The short answer is no,
in fact sugar itself does not cause cavities but instead cavities are caused by bacteria. People who regularly consume sugar have a high risk of developing dental caries.
3. Pregnant Mothers should Avoid Brushing
Brushing should never be avoided during pregnancy. Practising good oral hygiene is essential for pregnant women. It is advisable to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to prevent gum disease. It is essential to visit your dentist regularly. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help rinse away food particles and bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. If you experience dental pain, swelling or other oral health issues during pregnancy, don’t hesitate to see your dentist.
4. Braces are only for Children’s.
The fact is you are never too old for orthodontic treatment . Teeth can be move at any age. Braces are for kids,teenagers, adolescents, young adults and adults. Braces are for anyone who wishes to smile brighter with a healthy straight alignment of teeth.
5. Baby Teeth do not Matter.
Many parents mistakenly believe that baby teeth are less important than permanent teeth because they are just going to fall out anyway. But baby teeth serves a very important purpose as place holders in growing mouths during early years of development.
6. Scaling Causes Weakening of Teeth
It is the most common myth that scaling procedure weakens your teeth and makes them loose. But this is not true,as scaling removes the elements deposited on teeth, which lead to gum disease.
7. If your Gums Bleed, one must stop Brushing Immediately.
You should keep brushing even if your gums are bleeding. When your gums are bleeding they are unhealthy. Bleeding gums should be brushed and flossed more often to restore their health. One must visit the dentist if problem exists.
8. Bad Breath only Happens if you don’t Brush and Floss your Teeth for a While.
Bad breath is caused by odour producing bacteria that grow in the mouth, it is not always due to poor dental hygiene. It can be caused by eating strongly flavoured foods such as garlic and onions. The patient might have gums which are swollen, sore or infected or be suffering from a coating on the tongue to know underlying cause of bad breath dentist visit is must.
9. Brushing Harder is Better.
Brushing harder to clean better is definitely not the best solution. Brushing too hard and using a tooth brush with stiff bristles can wear down and damage both the tooth and gums. In fact, brushing your teeth in proper way and regularly is best to stop the plaque building up.
10. You don’t need to Visit the Dentist if you do not have Pain.
Regular visits to dentist are all about preventive care. If you wait to go to the dentist until you are having pain, chances are the damage to your tooth will be greater than if you had been keeping up with your regular check up. Tooth decay and gum diseases aren’t necessarily painful at visit and if we can treat them early, you want have to worry about more invasive or costly procedures in future.