1. finger / Thumb sucking
It is a normal behaviour in young babies. The habit usually goes off by 2 to 4 years, only if it lasts later than this, It can lead to various dental issues. It can affect the shape of the jaw, the alignment of the teeth and weekend, tongue, strength, etc
- Bitter liquids. Can be applied to the fingers number
- Wearing mittens. Or gloves,
- Reward system can help get off the habit.
- For elderly children, habit breaking appliances can be given.
2. Tongue thrusting
It is said to be found in patients who push their tongue against their teeth or between the teeth of both the jaws while speaking eating or even relaxing.
Its effects
forwardly movement of the teeth and gap between the teeth
This includes some exercises. If the underlying cause is emotional one, then it should be treated. Appliances can also be advised to the patient if these do not work
3. Lip Biting and Sucking
It is a very common habit and is usually associated with anxiety and stress.
Some people develop such things as mindless habits.Some develop it due to boredom , for some , it may be due to nervousness and shyness.
Effects on mouth and teeth
- Dry and chapped lips
- Bleeding Lips
- Effects alignment of the teeth
- Gum problems
- If It is related To stress The proper treatment for that should be pursued.
- Practice relaxation techniques.
- Seek Professional help
4. Bruxism
It is a condition in which jaw muscles contract repeatedly often leading to teeth grinding or clenching.
- It will lead to jaw pain,
- headache ,clicking sound,
- Tooth wearoff
- Sleep disruption.
- Stress and Anxiety
- Sleep Disorders
- Malaligned Teeth
- Medications like Anti Depressants
- Lot of Caffeine
- Nicotine
- Alcohol Intake etc.
- Mouth guards to protect the teeth
- Stress management
- Correcting the alignment
- Botox injections relaxes jaw muscles
- Life style changes